Objects of the month 2024
We are very pleased about the large number of objects submitted and are always thrilled by all the creations!
This year, too, the selection was not easy. The following 12 objects were chosen and can be followed monthly on LinkedIN and/or on our website. We hope you enjoy discovering them:
January: Baccinex SA (CR Métallique SA), Switzerland
February: OPA Bytom (Systemy Budowlane Sp.J. Czapla ), Poland
March: Residential complex (BTM Bauelemente GmbH), Switzerland
April: Swiss Museum of Transport (Alex Gemperle AG), Switzerland
Mai: SBB Bahntechnik Center (InduBau AG), Switzerland
June: Office and commercial building "B2Binz" (Coverpart AG), Switzerland
July: Jaffa Port (I.P.L.A. PROJECTS L.T.D), Israel
August: Kaltband AG (Fixträger AG), Switzerland
September: AGVS/UPSA Training centre (Ray SA Façades métallique), Switzerland
October: Meier Tobler AG (Dach & Wand Systembau AG), Switzerland
November: Areal Rynächt (ARGE: Bless AG, Erstfeld & Gebr. F. + B. Meyer), Switzerland
December: Kurt Schneider AG (SMC Swiss Metall Concept AG), Switzerland