Objects of the month 2023
We are very pleased about the large number of objects submitted and are always thrilled about all the creations!
Even though the selection was difficult, the 12 objects for the year 2023 have been decided:
January: Hertipark (Gebrüder Meyer), Switzerland
February: School of music (SYSTEMY BUDOWLANE Sp.), Poland
March: EFH (Ammann & Thürlemann AG), Switzerland
April: BOX 27 (COVRA Metall AG), Switzerland
May: Sports hall (InduBau AG), Switzerland
June: Villas Martinets 42 (Ray SA), Switzerland
July: Polos Isolino (DEG.MO SAGL), Switzerland
August: MFH "Philera" (Wüst Metallbau AG), Switzerland
September: PackSys Global AG (Blemo AG), Switzerland
October: Residential complex "Vogelsang" (CH Trost GmbH), Germany
November: BRACK.CH (H. Wetter AG), Switzerland
December: Commercial building (METHABAU), Switzerland
All objects will be published and can be viewed, assigned to the respective month, on our blog under the heading "Object of the Month" or via LinkedIN.
Have fun discovering them!